Founder and Head, The Institute for Thought Leadership, Frankfurt. Advisor to and ghostwriter/speechwriter for thought leaders. 09/19-present.

Writer, Frankfurt. Wrote news and feature stories, market research reports, speeches and case studies for U.S. and international publications. 10/01-present.

Reporting/Writing appeared in The New York Times, Time Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal, The Toledo Blade, the AP, Barron’s, The Anniston Star, World Politics Review, Retail Banking International, RFID Journal, The Raleigh News & Observer, Science Business Magazine, Germany Today Radio, Institutional Investor and Trade/Industry/Customer magazines.


  • 2003-2018 – Writer for CFA Magazine, which was read by Chartered Financial Analysts around the world (magazine now closed). Topics covered: compliance, AI in wealth management, financial careers, investment standards, KYC risk, life settlements, finance leadership, fintech, etc.
  • Author of Read to Me My Love, an illustrated ballad.
  • Concept development, writing and storyline consulting for the innovation program of a DAX 30 company.
  • Lead writer on a 45-page report on urbanization for a global logistics company.
  • Speechwriting for a former state minister of France and the CEO of a listed French company.
  • A series of articles on the rights of Muslim women in Europe, particularly Turkish women in Germany. The series appeared occasionally on WorldPoliticsReview.com.
  • Interviews with five Nobel laureates in economics for the Wall Street Journal.


Dow Jones Newswires, Frankfurt, Staff Correspondent. Covered European Telecommunications for real-time financial news agency. Responsible for reporting on world’s largest takeover battle of Germany’s Mannesmann by the U.K.’s Vodafone. Broke the story that the two companies were indeed in talks on the matter and had been for several weeks, though they were denying it. Coverage was given company’s annual Dow Jones Newswires Award. Features of all types ran on the newswires and in The Wall Street Journal. 9/99- 10/01.


The Anniston Star, Anniston, AL, Staff Writer. Features Writer. Wrote news and features on daily deadline for nationally renowned, family-owned newspaper. As sole features reporter, wrote four to five stories each week on lifestyle trends, psychology, religion, social issues, ideas, food and entertainment. 8/98-8/99.


  • Alabama Feeds Mother Russia. Traveled to Moscow to report on Alabama chicken exports for the Star. Wrote about Russia-Alabama economic, cultural and political ties. As a finalist for an ASNE Distinguished Writing Award, article appeared in the book “The Best of Newspaper Writing 1999.” 11/98.


United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), European Researcher/Consultant. Researched opinion of FAO in Germany and Austria. Identified and interviewed leaders in media, government and non- governmental organizations (NGO’s). Created questionnaire for quantifying interview results. Wrote media strategy recommending FAO build partnerships with NGO’s to better its reputation and increase funding. 06/98.


German Press Agency (dpa), Hamburg, Germany, Reporter. Trainee, International Services in English. Wrote daily news and feature stories for world’s 4th largest news agency. Copy and sub-edited. Translated German to English. Performed training rotations in Bonn, Frankfurt and New York. Traveled on an independent feature-writing tour to Sarajevo during the switch from U.N. to NATO supervision. 1/95-1/97.


  • United Nations Correspondent. Wrote news and feature analysis about the world body for dpa. Covered the Security Council as it dealt with Iraq weapons inspections and fighting in Zaire. 9/96-12/96.




Sunset Life Insurance Company and Sunset Financial Services, Olympia, WA, European Life Insurance Agent. Sold $100,000 in annual life premium in first year. Found clients with cold calling and prospecting. Conducted strategic interviews with clients and prospects. Gave financial planning seminars. Sold mutual funds: N.A.S.D. Series 6 and 63 certified. Won sales incentive trips to Portugal, Belgium, Tunisia and Italy. 1/92-12/94.

